Pontiac Repair: Window regulator attachment to glass, auto glass repair, power window regulator


I'm in the process of putting in a power window regulator on the drivers side in my '99 Pontiac Grand Am. I'm stuck at how the window actually connects to the regulator for it to move up and down. Their is two broken pieces attached to my window with putty, how would I go about removing the putty without breaking the glass? Those two "clips" on my window, do you know what they are called? Also if possible I can find those "clips" and replace them and slide my window back in... will it connect or attach when they both hit? There doesn't seem to be any screw holes on the metal/plastic piece attached to the regulator bars.

Any information would sure help. Thank You!

Hi steffanie:

Those broken pieces are called sash clips. they are actaully glued to the glass. a Gasket scraper and a razor blade work well for getting the broken piece off the glass. The glue is a special adhesive. you can more then likely get it at an auto glass repair shop. park the placement of the sash clips on the glass with a shaprie before you take the old one off so you know where to glue the new ones on. The sash clips are a dealer only part. good luck :)