Pontiac Repair: need help fast, plug holes, spark plugs

i have a bonneville sse 1999 that wont start. we have checked the spark plugs and took the intake apart to dry cause we thought it was hydro locked. the plugs are all good and the wires are good. it wants to start just cant. it has spark and fuel going to the engine. what could the problem be?... we have replaced the map sensor also.

Hi there:

was there coolant in the lower intake when you took it apart? If so it will take a bit to get it started. the coolant winds up in the cylinders and they will not start/ If that was the case take all the plugs out and pull the fuse out for the fule pump or disconnect the pump back and the tank and also disconnect the large connector that goes to the ignition module and crank the car over untill you don't see any coolant/ fuel out of the spark plug holes. Dry the spark plugs off and then put them back in and put everything you disconnected back together and it should start and run after a bit of cranking. good Luck.