Pontiac Repair: Starter porblems, 1998 Tran Sport, starter solenoid, purple wire

Yesterday when I went to start the van, it hesitated before it started but did start 2-3 times. Last night when I tied to start the van, all I got was a single click every time I turned the key. All dash light symbols would appear. I looked in the book that came with the van and did all the things they recommended on possible starting problems. It passed all those suggested. Do I need a new starer?



Hi Bob:

It does sound like possibly a starter problem. but to be sure you need to see if you indeed have battery voltage at the starter solenoid when you crank the car over. the purple wire on the starter solenoid is the "crank" signal to make the starter solenoid turn on and it turn make the starter motor enguage and run. you will need a volt meter and check the volatge at the battery first and see what that volatge it. then have someone crank the van and see what you have on the purple wire they should match voltage for the most part if so you need a start assembly if not you have to start digging for a problem in the "crank" signal like a starter control replay or an ignition swiitch or a wore with high resiatnce "corrosion/bad connection" good luck :)