Pontiac Repair: 1995 Pontiac Grtand Prix Will not start!, pontiac grand prix, transmission safety

I have a '95 Pontiac Grand Prix.  It just won't start.  I replaced the starter, checked all my fuses, cleaned up my connecting wires, but still the car will not turn over.  I don't think it's the battery because it won't take a jump.  What could my problem be?

Hey Douglas:

when you crank the car or should I say try to crank the car do the lights in the car dim down or if you have the headlamps on do they dim or go out? If not not likley a battery or connection issue. That car has a pass key security system it could be an issue with that system is the security lamp on while you try to crsnk it over if so then that is the issue. If you have a second ignition key try that and see what happens. This has a tamper mode of a 30 minute or so wait inbetween trys so let it sit a while before you try to use the second key. If the lamp is still on with the second key the most likley "guess" would be a bad ignition lock cylinder the wires going to it for the security system frey and break.. One last though did you try to crank this over with the car in neutral? If it crank then the transmission safety switch is bad.  Good luck :)