Pontiac Repair: 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix shuts off while driving, crank shaft position sensor, fuel pressure regulator

Could you please help me troubleshoot an issue with my 2001 Grand Prix, 3.8L, non sc. The engine doesn't stumble just cuts off while driving. 130K on the clock. I have already gone through all sensors, electrical system for grounds, fuel system, battery, relays, timing chain, etc. Only thing not changed yet is the ecm. Please help. Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Hi Mike:

have you replaced the crank shaft position sensor? I assume when this cuts out it's just like someone turned off the key.if that is the case then then it would go that way.. the only other thing to look at is the fuel pressure regulator to make sure when the car is running make sure ther is no raw fuel in the vacuum line if so then I would replace the regulator. one last thing to look at is the spark plug wire routing on the back bank by the fire wall make sure the plug wires are not any where near or draped over or under the wiring going down to the transmission speed sensor harness it's right back by the plug wires. The plug wires can induce EMI into the engine harness and cause all kinds of issues.

Good luck:)