Pontiac Repair: 97 sunfire ignition lock cylinder, lock cylinder, hard job

The ignition key was starting to stick the past couple of weeks, but today it will not even turn the cylinder any more. I think i need to replace the ignition lock cylinder for this car. First does any body sell just a replacement cylinder (with new keys)? and second is it possible for an amateur like me to do this? I have some basic wrenching skills, for instance i already replaced the headlight switch on the other side of the column.



Hi mike:

thisa may seem like a stright forward job but the fact that you can't get the key out makes it a "hard job" there is a long drawn out proceedure on how to get it out so this is a job more suited for a locksmith or the dealer. The new lock cylinders are not coded. they come as a kit with the new cylinder and all the tumblers and springs to match the cylinder to your exsisting key so that ins not a do it your selfer job either. The dealer is more suited for this they can get the key code for your car that it came from with the factory to code the cylinder. Good luck :)