Pontiac Repair: electric cooling fans, electric cooling fans, engine temp

I have a 1997 grand prix the cooling fans never come on I have checked the fans and they work but they don't come on. The temperature rises to almost 210 until I start moving again. Why do the fans not work?

Hi Gerald:

210 degrees is too cold for the fans to turn on. They usually do not turn on untill over 220 and above. If this car has a/c that still works start the car and turn on the a/c after a few minutes the fan(S) should run duew to the increased load on the cooling system from the a/c running. If the fans do not come on and the engine temp is over 220 #1 do not keep driving it and #2 that is when I would start looking for an issue with either the fan relays or fuses to the fans or an issue where the engine control module is not commanding the cooling fan relay(S) on. Good luck :)