Pontiac Repair: 1997 Grand Prix, brake light switch, screw driver

I am having a problem with the shifter getting stuck in the parking position. I have found that taking a screw driver and pushing on the shifter lock button works but I am not sure for how long. Can you give me any advice on how to fix this and or how much it will cost to have a mechanic do the work.

Hi Christine:

Yes the issue you have is with the BTSI solenoid in the shifter. that stands for brake transmission shift interlock. It's a safety feature that makes you step on the brake to shift out of park. The problem is more than likley with either the shifter assembly it's self or a broken wire going to the assembly. If you ever spilled coffee/soda on the center console that does in the shifter eventually. From time to time the shifters do just go bad out of the blue. the other things is possably a broken wire right at the shifter every time you mode that shifter the wires move and eventaully the wires bend enough times that they break off. that is an easy and cheap fix! One last thing do the brake light work on this car? if not then that could be the issue also the brake light switch is part of the BTSI system on this car and that could also be part of the probelm. Good luck :}