Pontiac Repair: temp gauge reads hot, head gasket leak, pontiac sunfire

Hi Todd, I have a 2001 Pontiac Sunfire 4cyl. 2.2 engine.  The temp gauge is pinned on hot and check gauges light comes on.  I had it to the mechanic and it is not the head gasket.  I have replaced the thermostat, the water pump, and even had a new radiator put it and it still does the same thing.  What else is left?  should I look at the coolant sensor and maybe the catalytic converter?  This is driving me crazy!  The car runs fantastic even when it is pinned on hot.   Thank You

Hi Judy:

Is the car indded running hot? Or is just the gauge off? Lets start there. If it indeed is running hot I'd take a look at the electric cooling fan make sure that is working properly. If so then I would look at posssably a air flow issue between the radiator and the condenser if the car is equipped with A/C? if that is okay then I would look long and hard at a possable head gasket issue. These engines are noted for that. There is a chemical that can be put into the antifreeze and if ther is exhaust gases in the coolant "from a head gasket leak" the chemical will chnage colors and let you know if there is indeed a leak. Good luck :)