Pontiac Repair: 2000 SE Grand Prix fuel pump, crank sensor, prix fuel

My son is at college and the car is missing and stalling. Could it be the fuel pump,or fuel filter? Is the pump in the truck like my 2000 SE Bonnyville? Where is the fuel filter? A parts store put a monitor on it and said O2 sensor.

Hi Allen:

The pumop is in the tank. the filter is right in front of the tank on the left side of the car. An 02 sesnor more than likely will not cayuse a misfire unless it's really gone bad. depending on what engine this car has it could be a lot of issues that call a stall or misfire. bad plug wires or a cracked plug, A plugged fuel injector. they can all contribute to a misfire. As for stalling it cand be a fule pump issue or a crank sensor to a fule pressure regulator.. There are a lot of possibilities and one engine is more apt to have an issue more that another. good luck :}