Pontiac Repair: 2001 Sunfire Pully, pontiac sunfire, pulley

I have a 2001 Pontiac Sunfire 2.2L 5 Speed and when I turn my A/C or Heat off I can hear a whine I guess you would call it coming from the engine. When the heat or A/C is on it goes away. I'm assuming the bearings on a pully are going and I checked around online and found replacement A/C bypass pullys. My question is since there is no preformance difference would it be more trouble to replace this part then is really neccessary.

Hi Brian:

Yup it sound like the bearing in the front hub/pulley of the compressor has gone bad. Eventually it will seize up and then burn the belt off "not a good thing" The hub is not that expensive of a part and neither is the clutch for the compressor. If the a/c still works and the car get good and cold then I would presue getting the hub/clutch fixed. If the a/c is not working well then Yah take the compressor off and install that bypass pulley assembly. It's not that big of a job to remove the compressor on that car I would venture to say that pulley kit is east to install as well. It's more of a cost issue repair what you have or remove the broken part and intall that kit. you have to do something eventually the pulley will seize up. Good luck :}