Pontiac Repair: Low Coolant Light/No Heat, radiator cap, grand prix gt

I recently purchased(y/day) a 99 Grand Prix GT and the low coolant light won't go off and the heat wont work properly. The heat blows out warm at first but then it stops. As for the coolant light, it came on after I got it and it won't go off. The reservoir has been flushed and the anti-freeze changed. I also put a new thermostat on and its still the same thing. What's causing this

Hey LaToya:

I think you have 2 issues here. The low coolant probe in the radiator has more then likely gone bad. second issue I belive you have air in the cooling system. let the engine run and gte hot make sure it doesn't over heat. there is an air bleed on the thermostat housing open the up with the engine running once the air stops comming out and you gte a constant stream of coolant close it top off the over flow bottle to the full hot mark and let it cool down completely take off the radiator cap and then top of the radaitor if it's not full put the cap back on and try it again and see what happens. good luck :}