Pontiac Repair: Starter?, digital volt meter, starter solenoid

Hello. I have a 95 Grand Prix that sometimes won't start for me. This happens quite a lot lately, and it seems to be getting worse (it takes longer to start it). When I turn the key, everything turns on (radio, heater) but then turns back off. Car clicks, but nothing else. Is this my starter? Or is it something else? I just replaced the battery last month, but I bought it only 3 months ago. Help!!

Hi Jennifer:

It sould like a starter or a bad connection somewhere. If you have a digital volt meter or a 12 volt test light you can check it very easy with the help of someone. when the car will not start you have to check for battery voltage at the starter motor "crank" wire this is a small diameter purple wire attached to the starter solenoid on the motor. if the test light lights bright when you turn the key to start or if you have a volt meter and the voltage on that wire is at or very near what the battery has then it's a starter motor that's bad. if the lamp doesn't light or the volt meter shows far less then battery voltage then you have a bad connection somewhere in the system either an ignition switch or a park neutral switch. good luck :}