Pontiac Repair: 1997 pontiac grand am gt wont go into gear, grand am gt, blown fuse

i have a 97 grand am i recently got a tune up on my car it was fine it ran for a few days and when i got off from work the next morning i got ready to put the car in gear but nothing happen all i could hear was me pressing the gas it doesn't go into no gear i was told that i could have a fuse blown what could be the problem??

Hey Lakisha:

when you say it will not go into gear you mean that the shifter will not come out of park? or you can get it out of park into reverse or drive and it will not move? If the shifter will not move it could be a blown fuse or the shifter it's self could be bad. if you can move the shifter and it will not move it could be a broken cable that would be easy to fix or it has an internal transmission issue. Good luck :)