Porsche Repair: brakes, schroud cover, porsche 911, lindsay porter

Hi Dave
Just purchased a 69T. Front brakes are S type. Aluminum, and drilled. Was this an option or added later. Also the engin schroud cover is a black fiberglass type, instead of metal. I have owned other 911s but never a 69T so don't know much about them.

Hi Joe,

I'm not at all into that level of specific knowledge for the 911's.  I do have a reference manual, "Guide to Purchase and Restoration of Porsche 911 by Lindsay Porter annd Perter Morgan 1988".  It shows the models before the '69 with solid discs and the models after with solid cast iron discs... so the likely-hood of aluminum and drilled being stock seems remote.  I saw nothing about the shroud cover materials

Have fun with the new baby.
