Porsche Repair: suspension problem, power steering rack, power steering pump

hello Dave,everything its ok?
 i have a new problem from few weeks..it is few months since i rebuilt my power steering rack and the power steering pump,but dont know why the steering its not that easy at it should be...for example after i rebuilt it..it had few moments when the steering was very very easy to stear..but only for few moments..dont know why(maybe u could explain..or maybe something its not good),now i stear little easyer then it was without the pump in function...and also i feel some clearence from the steering rack..can i adjust that? another big problem of mine is the suspension..i have changed the front strunt's last year,but when the road its not smooth i hear some knocking from the suspension ..could be the both upper strunt mount? the strunt's,could they not be hard enough,or springs? i have also changed the both road ends and the ball joint's..but still i feel lot of instability ..if u understand what i have tryed to say please give me some suggestions ...
 thank u again for ur time

Hi Daly,

I'm doing great.  Unfortunately, I have to admit I'm not that familiar with the rack and pinion.  I know the concept but I've actually never owned a car with that set-up.  There is a fairly universal approach to the adjustment you want to make:


The manufacturers detail how much 'torque" is required to move the steering wheel out of its centered range.  The Porsche manual may have that.  As you make the adjustment you can pretty much adjust, and adjust some more, til you get the feel where you want it.  The idea is that to completely reduce any play at the centered position, it will require more effort to move it from that position.  Easier steering means more play.  So...you will want to find a happy balance.

As for the knocking in your front end, here's what I'd suggest.  Jack up the front end and get a good light to see what you're doing.  Use a very large pry bar to try to dislodge suspension points.  If you can move an a-arm it means the bushing is bad and that is causing the sound.  If you can move anything at all with a pry bar, that is too much movement.  Every suspension joint (especially rubber bushings) has to be tight or it needs repair.

Have fun with it...but don't break anything with those huge muscles of yours.
