RV Repair: Duo Therm AC Start Capacitor, duo therm ac, rv repair

The start capacitor on my Duo Therm AC unit 57915.522C1 burned up.  Connected to one of the terminals on top of the capacitor is something that appears to be a fuse with 1/4 inch wide flat terminals, male on top, female on bottom.  A red wire goes into the fuse.  Because of the charing from the burning, I can't read any identification off of the side of the fuse.  Is this part actually a fuse or is it something else?  How do I find a replacement for this part?  I have already located a replacement capacitor but I don't know what the part is connected to the top of the capacitor.  Thanks for the help.

Jeff, I believe this is called a power stabilizer and needs to be there as well. You should be able to get replacement capacitors from a repair shop and they should come with this already on them. If you are unable to locate one let me know and I will try and get one to you. I have several of them. You may also try going to a rv repair shop and asking them if they have any old airs that you can get this part from. Usually they will let you have them for nothing as long as they have used units that are bad. Thanks, Bill