RV Repair: RE: Coleman Chesapeake pop up camper - will only raise two to four inches, coleman chesapeake, pop up camper

QUESTION: I have a Coleman Chesapeake camper with two cranks - one on the top right hand front corner, and the other is located on front center lower area.  The cables are not broken, but when you try to raise the top, they get very tight and will not got any farther.  The gear box is located in front of the axle about center of the trailer.  Any help you can give me to resolve this problem will be appreciated.

ANSWER: First off I would open up all access panels to see what is going on when you crank it up. More than likely it is slipping off a pulley or the stantion tubes are getting bound up some way. You should be able to see what is going on when you open it all up and watch as it is cranked.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your reploy, but where are the access panels????  It will not raise up high enough for me to see anything - only two to four inches.

They are either under the coach or they might be on the inside. If they are then you will need to squeeze into the coach and pull the panels to see the cable drive. They are usually covered with a couple of pieces of paneling that they have set in the corners and along one or more of the walls. There isn't many manufactures that don't put panels in as cables wear out and need replaced or repaired from time to time. Without pictures of your coach that I could look at I can only try to guide you in the right direction. Sorry that I am not more help for you but if I can help you some more feel free to ask. Thanks, Bill