RV Repair: 1980 Toyota Dolphin, toyota dolphin, pilot light

I'm new to rvs but a guy gave me this thing and im trying to get everything working right now the furnace i can light the pilot light but it wont light itself beyond that also the fan wont come on also when i plug the rv in all the lights still run off the battery and there is a few switches that i have no idea what do one says converter and battery but does nothing there is a switch beside that that says nothing and does nothing and one more switch by the door which makes the lights dim but does nothing otherwise i would appreciate any help thanks, Kevin

Hi Kevin.
The best answer I can give is, you need to make an appointment with a service center and ask them for a systems check. Bite the bullet and pay a PRO. Its smarter and safer. When they are done, they'll show you how it all works.
