RV Repair: Slide binding, gear assembly, couple inches

Pwr Gear Electric slide (bed)in 2005 Gulfstream Sunvoyager
The slide seemed to work fine a few days ago but when I went to retract, it came in part way and then bound up.  I then ran it back out and tried again.  This time coming in only a couple inches.  Tested motor, even removed it (motor-gearbox assembly) and by manually turning the shaft, I found that the slide is definitely stopping as though it is hitting something.  For the life of me, I cannot see how or where.  I did see, though, that the rollers were never adjusted.  Although I'm not an RV tech, I've been in a technical environment nearly my whole life and this one has got me AND my neighbors!  I would appreciate any suggestions.


Hi Bob. Try this. When the slide binds, Go down to the motor. On the end of the motor, there is a lever. This is the brake release. Release the brake and get 3 or 4 big dudes. Try to push the slide out. If the slide goes out, replace the motor/gear assembly. If not then the room need to be adjusted or repaired. Good Luck