RV Repair: batteryb hook up, spartan chassis, battery banks

Please help me with instructions on how to hook up my four twelve volt batteries in my Gulfstream diesel (Spartan chassis). They were removed for charging and the tech is not available to replace them. I need help including hooking up cable that goes through to the other side. It appears as if there is a small solenoid on the wall of the driver's side batt. compartment. It has two batteries on each side of the RV. with cables laying in both compartments. Help and thanks!!

Hi Dominic. If they are 12 volts (not 6 volts) Hook the two batteries in each compartment together. Pos. to Pos. and Neg. to Neg. Then use the cables that run across to the coach to link the to sets of batteries. (unless the other set is the chassis batteries. You have to check that they are not different battery banks) If they are the same bank, then use the cables to link the two banks. I am not sure how to hook up the solenoid without seeing it. Hope that helps. Good Luck