RV Repair: leaking slideout on keystone hornet, wet spot, floor windows



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Question -
i have a 2002 33ft. doudle slide hornet by keystone,my bedroom slideout has been leaking,it is set-up in campground year around so slideouts are usually left out we can not get the slideout level the camper is very level no trouble with large slideout ! we noticed when we do close it top seals good bottom sticks out this is an electric slide is there any way to adjust cause seal looks great!thanks tom

Answer -
    Where is the slide leaking? at the ceiling, and the floor? Windows?

Garry    it is only leaking at floor,the only wet spot!nothing at ceiling,or windows! thanks Tom

If the wet spot is at the inner part of the slide, check the seals on the outside and make sure that the verticle seal is not flipped in.  Also check the windows in the slide. Water could enter at the windows and follow the inside of the wall until it hits the floor.  Also check your corner trims on the outside.
