Saturn Repair: electrical, battery cables, approximently

Hello, I have a 2000 SL2 with 38,000 miles on it and no major accidents.  Recently I have been unable to start it, i get absolutely nothing while turning the key.  I have tried to jump start it but that does nothing as well.  None of my power features such as door locks, radio, except for the door ajar "bing" which works only very intermentedly (approximently for 5-10 seconds and then stops again). The "bing" does not start when I open the door however and starts very ramdomly.  Any suggestions before I get it towed?  Thanks kindly Brian Ahlstrand  

 You either have loose battery cables, or one of the terminals (metal part on the battery that connects the cable to the inside of the battery) has broken off.  Have no fear, this is a common problem.  Wiggle both the red and the black terminals on your battery and I bet you will find one of them loose/broken.  Let me know if this helps,
