Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): mikasa rammer, correct fuel, air leak

Hi Paul,I have a Mikasa MTR-35W tamper rammer which is working fine under no load but it stalls in about 5 seconds once i accelerate hence starting the rammer action .Actually it works ok at idle speed because i can't try it otherwise. I cleaned up the carb.,changed the gaskets between air filter and engine,checked the spark plug and the fuel line,no problems found.It has 2 air filters but both are in sealed compartments and i'm a little baffled as where it takes the air from.The operation manual can be found here :

Hi Adrian

have you checked  exhaust for blockage being a 2 stroke  ?  visual check on rings and bore ?
all being well in the carb department ie  clean and set  , no debris  or blockage / restriction , float level correct, fuel flow good

what is the compression like ?  is it above  100 psi   ( this is usually btm limit )

have you checked timming key in flywheel ?

have you tried removing   air filters and cleaning them , they maybe blocked

then check  ignition it maybe playing up  

the other possibility is a air leak in the crankcase intake system
which means  pressure and vacuum testing to see  wether it is leaking from c/case joints , seals or base gasket or intake manifold joints  

let me know what you find  

cheers paul