Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh Engine miss or running rich, tecumseh engine, exit holes

QUESTION: "I just cleaned the carburetor (twice now) on a 10 hp Tecumseh, which had set for a year or more. This has a fixed needle/jet. I installed a new kit, including the main nozzle (it chipped during a difficult removal) and o-rings. The engine searches (oscillates) as if the governor is off; but if I choke the unit about 3/4 it tends to smooth out. It acts like its starving for fuel as if the float is off. I set the float with a 11/64 bit. If I invert the carb, the float tilts slightly downward - not parallel to the body.
Am I missing something? I've cleaned out the holes on the the idle restrictor jet, as well as the bowl retaining nut small hole.


ANSWER: Hi kevin

are you sure that all the passages are indeed clear?  sometimes you have to spray crc  into each and blow through with compressed air  - and watch where it comes out  to verify clear passageway- make sure the needle is not sticking in the fuel inlet  seat  ,  setting float level is correct with 11/64th drill bit and it should sit slightly down @ the non hinged side
have you verified good flow of fuel from tank to carb?  and the tank breather ?

check the gasket between carb mount and manifold , it may be leaking sucking air @ that joint ?
if fuel flow from tank to carb and bowl are good and carb gasket is sealing - check for leaking valve - it may be pushing fuel back when valve closes  due to valve not sealing or tight valve

can you let me know model  and type codes from engine if you have them  and i will find out some more for you  

cheers  Paul   

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Mower model# 536.270111
Engine Model # 143.991002
Engine Family  WTPXS 3582CA

Well… I pulled the carburetor again; sprayed carb cleaner through all passages & watched exit holes – all seems well. When I fired up the engine again, the surging is gone (for whatever reason – possibly a sticky float), but now I have a constant occasional popping (or maybe its engine miss) through the muffler. I can’t tell if its running too rich or its an engine miss. It throttles well, starts well, and idles well, with the exception of just not running smooth. I’ve cleaned out the gas tank, new fuel, sealed manifold gaskets… Is it possible that the engine is carboned/sticky valves? I’m at a loss and thinking about just using it as is. Oh, when the mower blades are on the engine does run smooth.
Thanks for your help.


hi  kevin

Check air filter is not blocked,  and spark is not weak ( while under compression load ?)
That popping sound is most likly a burnd ex valve not sealing and is drawing air in on intake stroke leaning out the mixture which raises combustion tempreture, check and see if valve clearance is tight  from memory should be about 0.006 Thou clearance  , if clearance is ok , then burned valve and seats.

cheers paul