Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere LT155 Electrical Problem, briggs and stratton, fly wheel

I have a JD LT155 with a Kohler engine. I have no trouble starting it up but sometimes after I shut the engine off, the starter motor continues to run - even after I take the key out. I usually disconnect the positive side of the battery to get it to stop. Today I didn't get to my tools quick enough and the battery drained down until it was almost dead.  I hooked up my battery charger (+ to + and - to -# and got it up to about 80%.  I started to reconnect the positive terminal but as soon as I touched the cable to it, the engine tried to start up #the brake wasn't on, I wasn't sitting in the seat, and the key was in the OFF position). Stupidly, I did the following...
I disconnected the negative cable at the battery. I then reconnected the positive cable to the battery. Then I started to reconnect the negative cable to the negative terminal on the battery and that's when the fun began...
It started to spark at the nut and bolt on the negative terminal. White smoke started to come up out of the engine and I quickly tried to unscrew the nut and bolt with my ungloved hands. I finally got the cable off after a few minor burns and probably some fried wired under the fly wheel.
I disconnected the battery and removed it from the mower.
I'm ready to use my multimeter but I don't know what I'm doing.
Any suggestions on where I should start?

ANSWER: Send me the engine model information.  The engine numbers will be on a sticker.  You are looking for the model, spec, and serial number.  Send me the numbers so I can look up the repair manual.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your time. Here you go...
Model - CV15S
Spec - 41562
Serial No - 2908502641 (engine)
Serial No - 055560 (tractor LT155)

The first link to read is a Briggs and Stratton link...not your engine but the the description of the electrical system is the same.

Use the Briggs link to determine your switch and test the key ignition switch first.  

Once you verify the key switch I would start troubleshooting the wire harness/engine.

Use the link below to identify which charging system you have (Section 8).  Follow all the procedures for checking the stator and regulator if you have one.

I would also charge the battery and then take the battery to your local auto parts store and have them test it to make sure it is good.

You definitely have a serious issue with the electrical.  I've had similar problems before and all you can really is test known "testable" parts first, then check the safety switches, and finally the wire harness.  Most manufactures, including JD, rarely publish good, detailed wiring diagrams for free.  In this case I identify each wire at each connector, write the color(s) down.  I try to isolate each wire by dis-connecting every connector and then ohm each pin to see if anything is shorted to ground.  A good visual check is also helpful but you need to clean every blade of grass and every spec grease/dirt off the mower to really inspect the wire harness.  Most of the time a direct short to ground will be hidden behind another metal part or will be located in a metal mower frame chassis hole where the wire harness runs through.

Take your time, be patient and do a thorough check of the electrical system to ensure you find the fault...regulators, stators, starters and other electrical parts can get real expensive real quick.

Let me know if this helps.