Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Cannot Find Neutral-Simplicity Coronet Gear, shift linkage, peerless model

QUESTION: Trying to get my Uncle's Simplicity Coronet rider going again for him. The biggest issue is that the gearbox will not go into neutral or reverse. If I move the shift lever to reverse, it is actually in a forward gear. I have searched for a decent drawing of the shift linkage, lever, etc, but to no avail. How the heck do I adjust it so it will shift correctly? It is a gearbox, not a hydro.

Model number 1693304.

Frustration factor: 10

Thank you very much in advance!

ANSWER: Check out the link below and let me know if you have a Peerless gear box/transaxle.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry it took so long to get back to you. It wouldn't let me respond! haha You are a VERY in-demand man!

Ok, it is a Peerless. I verified that not only by the book, numbers, etc, but also by the manufacturer name. It is a 5 forward, 1 reverse transaxle, if that makes a difference.

Do you have a Peerless model 915-016D?  

I am guessing the shift keys are broke; part number Tecumseh 792160A.  I have replaced a lot of shift keys.

The link below will take you to the parts diagram:
