Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): electrical problem, john deere 110, starter generator

QUESTION: I have a john deere 110 riding mower, just quit while mowing.  Has a kohler engine 10 hp.  Has electrical problem.  Can not start.  It will start by running a jumper from battery to starter generator. Put a new key switch in still wont start.  Tester showed power to the input side of solenoid, none to output side when key is in start position.  Any idea?  Is it the solenoid?  Thanx, Al

ANSWER: How many small wires are on the solenoid?  One or two?  The two large wires are for the battery and starter.

Is the fuse blown?

Let me know how many small wires are on the solenoid.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: O.K. Just to let you know this is a 1964 John deere riding mower, sort of an antique I inherited.  There is two small wires on solenoid.  One is on front center of solenoid, and one off the output side, looks like maybe to a relay box.  I cant seem to find  a fuse that could be blown. Thanks for any help

Do you have a multimeter or voltmeter to measure DC voltage?  There are a couple of methods of troubleshooting starting problems.
I always start with the solenoid.  When you turn the key to the start position one of the small solenoid wires should have 12 volts DC.  This is the exciter voltage which closes the connection between the battery and starter.  If there is no exciter voltager then I move to the key switch and determine if 12 volts DC is coming out of the key switch to power the solenoid.

The link below describes the electrical system and how to test the electrical system.  Take a look at the link and see if it helps.
