Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Garden cultivator., palnut, pawls

I have a 4 cycle cultivator TB144 and when I pull the cord to start it will not engage to the motor to start. I have everything apart but do not know how to get the entire pull cord assembly out. There is a Palnut on the end but do not know how to remove it to see what I need to replace.


DO NOT take the entire pull cord assembly out if you can avoid it.

Look on the flywhee, there should be to small starter pawls on the flywheel.  Can you move them by hand?  They only move a little and if they stick the will not engage the starter pulley.  If they don't move soak them with some WD-40, let it sit, and then try to see if you can move the pawls by hand.

Let me know if the starter pawls fixes the problem.
