Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): scag turf tiger, oil levels, new spark

ive got an older scag turf tiger 61". its been running fine but know while im mowing will just stop out of the blue. I can mow for about 20 minutes or so just fine but then it dies like you turned the key off. it will start right back up and mow for maybe 10 minutes before dieing, and this keeps happening till im too frustrated to mow anymore. ive checked everything that i know to check but still no change. Battery good, no corrosion on battery terminals, fuses good, new fuel filter, nothing in gas tank, new gas cap, oil levels good. Hopefully this tells you enough to maybe have an answer. thanks

It could be an ignition coil module failing when the engine warms up.  However, I would start by replacing the spark plug(s) and testing the operation with the new spark plug(s).

The next time it dies I would check for spark immediately to see if you have ignition.  I have seen a few ignition modules fail and the only way to identify a coil that fails when hot is to verify if there is spark when the engine stops.

Put new plugs in it and let me know if that helps.
