Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): ride on mower battery, key switch, wire harness

hooked up ride on mower battery backwards and started mower, made a bed noise when i started it and srtaight away i realised what i had done. replaced with a new battery and it starts fine, but now when i turn ride on off and leave for a week the battery is flat when i go to start it. PLEASE HELP !!!

What is the engine brand, model, type and code number.  It is very possible, and likely, that the rectifier was damaged.

The link below does a good job describing how to test diodes (rectifers):

I would start trouble shooting by checking the fuse in your wire harness...they all have a fuse.   If the fuse is good then check the rectifier.  If the rectifier is good then check the key switch.

Let me know what you find.
