Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 2005 JD 180...Hydro problem, excessive wear, transmission company

Hi, I have a John Deere 180 tractor; has been a great tractor i have 500hrs on it with very little problems. recently i have experienced a issue with the trans, started slowing down in reverse and now has slowed in forward also, no speed or power to move the tractor. It is not making any unusual noises or vibration. I have taken the bottom off the trans and the oil is dark, but no large pieces of steel or aluminum in the filter. some of the gears have minor pitting but no excessive wear.What should i be looking repair...OH ya and it has TORO on it whats with that.  Bob

What condition is your drive belt in?  a bad drive belt will give you the symptoms you describe.   The TORO may be a blooper at the transmission company, or perhaps the tranny hydrogear, etc..sold them to John Deere at a good price.

Most of these transmissions are sealed so be very careful when disassembling it.  You dont want to introduce any contaminants into the system.