Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): McCulloch BVM240, last autumn, terry jennings

I recently purchased a BVM240 which was new but satin it's box for 2 years. It started perfectly and I used it last Autumn to vac up leaves after about 4-5 times it would not start. I believe that the points if any have closed but I cannot find out how to examine these or in fact where they are on the machine. All the advice I get is take it in to a service centre and they will ovehaul it. It has had about 5-6 hours use so it should not need servicing just the points checked which I can do myself as a qualified mechanic. Do You know which bit covers the points area???
Many thanks in advance I hope you can help.
Terry Jennings

I don't think it has points?But I could be wrong.Usually something like that has a coil pak off of the flywheel.Why do you associate the problem with points?(no spark?)Check near the flywheel for a coil?If it has one it may also have a kill wire going to it.If that wire is broken or grounding out it would kill the spark.Best of luck,