Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Honda push lawnmower, honda lawnmower, starter rope

QUESTION: I have come upon a FREE Honda lawnmower self propell push.
And this is probably why.

After fixing the starter rope which was recoiled back into the housing.
After adding some oil which was very low and greyish.

When pulling to start the lawnmower it was hard, lots of tension when  pulling. And that is probably why the pull cord was broke.

The engine did start and the best way to describe is that it was not sounding normal and seemed really tight. No horrible clunking noise, no smoke. And it would accelerate and all.

Is the engine partially ceased?
What are my options, do I re-build, buy replacement motor or is their a fix.
Thanks so much in advance.

Honda Easy Start Over head cam. GCV160
Model # HRR2164VXA
Serial MZCG-7730418

ANSWER: The gray oil is the disturbing part.  If it's metal, then the engine needs to come apart for evaluation.  Otherwise it could be just the blade brake or the clutch.  I'm afraid there's just no way for me to give you a proper diagnosis, but check that the blade clutch is disengaging and the blade/s are on correctly.

A free Honda is probably worth fixing, although I don't think I'd buy a new engine unless the deck and drive is in excellent shape.  A rebuild would certainly be worth it if the engine isn't badly damaged.  Thanks, PK.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Would you know as for the re-build,  is their like a re-build kit?  That is one of my concerns that I wouldn't know what to replace in the motor.

Having a lawn service repair shop rebuild it, would that be expensive and worth it.

The engine will have to come apart to know what has to be replaced.  You can buy a gasket kit and you can buy a rod and piston with rings.  Beyond this, you really have to establish what needs replacement to decide what it would cost.  At a minimum I would think a shop would charge $200-250 if the cylinder doesn't need to be bored and the valve seats are good.  That could go up if things are badly worn or broken.  I would have it checked out before spending much money on it.  If the block is damaged or it needs a crank, then it's probably not worth fixing.  And, you should have it looked at to determine if it is an internal failure.  Thanks, PK.