Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): intek 6.75 hard to start, engine model type, dr power wagon

QUESTION: I have a DR Power wagon with an Intek 6.75 OHV engine with electric start.  Until recently it has always started very easy. Now when the engine is first started it will start with out any problems however it seems after running for a few minutes and the engine is shut off it is very hard to start back.  Whether starting with the electric start or manual start does not seem to make a difference.

ANSWER: Waht if the engine model, type and code number?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Model; 121607 0318 E1
I forgot to mention that I have replaced the spark plug already.  
Also, just prior to this occurring the alternator had vibrated loose and I had to
set the gap and tighten the mounting bolts.


Above are couple of links, basic troubleshooting and valve service.  The first place to start is to determine narrow down the problem.  Do you have spark when the engine is hard to start?  If you spray starting fluid in the carb (air filter removed) when it is hard to start, does it start?  If so then the problem is with the fuel system.

If it will not start when hot, you have spark a new plug and tried the starting fluid trick then you may have a compression problem...check the valve clearance.

Let me know if this helps.