Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Riding mower will not start, murray lawnmowers, repair person

I have a Murray with a briggs and it will not start or even turn over. I replaced the batt and checked the safety switch under the seat, checked the switch connection on the blade engage arm, checked the fuse ............ all good. I do not have an owners manual or wiring schmatic. Next steps or any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


The first thing you should do is take it to a small engine repair person in your neighborhood. He/she can drain the "bad" gas (if that's what's in the tank) and give it a brand new tune-up. However, the following is a list of complaints regarding Murray lawnmowers. You may be able to fix it if another specialist gives you a way to do so or if your small engine person does it but it seems that you may be fighting an uphill battle with this particular brand. Read on for some interesting reading and see if you want to attempt to repair this lawnmower or just ditch it for another brand. Also, be careful when switching brands because many of them are made by the same company. I have an on-line subscription to consumer reports. Just let me know if you want any information regarding the various brands. I'll be more than happy to assist you.

Hope I Helped :)