Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): honda engine doesnt start, genuine honda parts, goosen straw blower

i have a goosen straw blower with a Honda GX390, 13hp, electric and pull start. I let a friend use machine and it caught fire, replaced damaged parts with new genuine Honda parts, most of damage was from heat as the fire was away from engine, but lots of melted parts. Friend says after fire was out he was able to restart engine and ran. Replaced air cleaner assembly, carb, coil and wire. installed new battery, old battery dead not fire related. So engine spins over good, verified getting fuel. Pulled plug no spark, tried to set gap on new coil to flywheelthe same as old one, but do not have spec. on this, need spec. and if this ok, what is next step in diagnosis?

Is the ignition module a one piece unit?  If so, dis-connect all wires, should only be one small wire, and re-check for spark.

Is the coil mounted correctly?  The air gap should be .010 of an inch.

Can you attach a picture of the ignition module?