Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): MTD Snowflite 810-800A H098B snowblower, mtd snowflite, customer service phone number

My MTD Snowflite 810-800A H098B snowblower stopped engaging the drive wheeels today during a snowblowing session. None of the gears engage; not forward (5 speeds) or reverse (2 speeds). I looked at the earlier links you provided but am unsure where to begin to troubleshoot. Any suggestions or thoughts on where to start would be most appreciated.

Thank you,

Hello Randy:

You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Unit at this Site Addy, and Select the Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM (MTD) and Enter the Model Numbers (). Then Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Now you can Select the Section of the Unit you Wish to View.  
Can you Check the Model Numbers Again, Please. MTD Model Numbers Usually Start with a 3. Example: 31383-8 or 318-180-000. Thanks.
However, From your Description it Sounds like the Drive Chain May have Broken (if this model uses one), a Shear Pin/Bolt has Sheared or the Linkage May have Jumped Off and is Not Engaging the Ground Drive.
Send me the Model Numbers Off the Unit, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Generally the identification tag is on a part of the unit that, even after years of use, rarely needs replacement. For most of MTD power equipment, these tags are approximately 2" by 3" in size. They also have the MTD Products name, address and customer service phone number listed across the bottom. For hand held product, the tag is normally white and approximately 1" by 1/2" in size. Hand held i.d. tags are normally on an aluminum portion of the engine, somewhat set into the unit to protect the label from wear. (A bar code will also be on this tag.) Riding mower tags are located on the underside of the seat. For walk behind mowers this tag is found either on the deck or on the rear door of rear discharge units. Tiller model and serial tags are generally on the tine housing. **The model and serial tags for two-stage snow throwers are located on the bottom of the main gear housing which is often called the belly pan, while single stage snow thrower tags are next to the key and primer. For other products like log splitters, chipper shredders and edgers, tags can be found on the frame or main housing.**
Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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