Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): GX75 mower, starter solenoid, electrical coil

I have a Gx75 John Deere riding lawn mower.
I have a spark problem.I have the plug out and on the top of the block plugged in. When in the crank position on the ignition, there is no spark until i release the key back to the ignition position, then there is a momentary spark.

I can take the ground wire off the starter solenoid and ground the solenoid with a jumper to the block and get spark when cranking. The relay is also buzzing when in the ignition position. I have gone through the wire harness and cannot see no broken ground wire. The only ground wire I can see is the battery ground cable to the bottom of the engine. I have replaced the electrical coil(as JD calls it) or the ignitor as other people call it. I replaced the ignitor due to the original problem of not being able to shut the engine off. (with the key on this model). Something else that does not make sense is if I take the ground wire off the starter solenoid and ground the wire from the harness, the relay will stop buzzing and you can hear coil in the relay click back and forth with the key. There is also 12volts on the wire to the ground side of the starter solenoid. Does the wire harness ground through the ignitor? I cannot find any other ground but the battery cable. The harness is protected well with a tough heat shrink and has not begin rubbing anywhere. All safety switches seem to be working well. I cannot tell you the engine # as it is not anywhere on the block. The engine ignition system is the magneto type. I disconnected all plugs to see what would stop the relay from buzzing. What I found is the transmission safety switch or the spark plug coil 12 volt wire would make the buzzing stop. The ignitor, ignition switch and relay are all new.

Can you help.



Hello Gary:

Where is the Ground Wire Connected to the Starter Solenoid? What is this Ground Wire? Usually there is No Ground Wire to the Solenoid. The Engine is Grounded and the Starter Grounds through the Engine. Some Model Use a Ground from the Engine Block to the Frame Due to Dirt and Oil getting Under the Mounts and Causing the Engine to Lose Ground. I have Never seen a Ground to a Starter. The Coil Does Not have a 12v Wire to them. The Coil uses a Ground Wire that Grounds Out the Coil and Stops the Coil from Firing the Plug/s. From your Description, Your Original Problem May have been a Bad Shut Off Wire (Grounding Wire) or the Ign Switch and Not the Igniter/Ign Coil. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Engine and Mower at this Site Addy, and Enter the Model Numbers and Click Find. Then Select your Model from the Search Results Area. Then Select the Sectional File. Then Select the Section of the Mower you Wish to View Online. I Suggest you Check the Safety System Once you Locate the Ground Problem with the Coil. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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