Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Mcculloch gas leaf bower, adjustment screws, stop screw


I purchased the blower (Model 400048-04, serial 16018870) used about 8 years ago.  I cleaned/reoiled the airfilter annually and changed the spark plug annully.

At any rate, two weeks ago it would not run.  After it started and I pulled the trigger and it died.  I fiddled with the mixture screws and it ran OK.  It never ran full power after the adjustment.  Of course I fiddled with the mixture screws again and now nothing.  

How can get started with a ballpark fuel/idle  screw setting.  

Any ideas?



Clan the fuel system and replace the fuel filter.  Clean the fuel cap vent too.  Turn the adjustment screws in till they lightly seat.  Then turn them out 2 turns.  One is high speed and one idle.  There may be a throttle stop screw too. Start the engine and get it to run at  full throttle by turning the high speed screw in and out. Then set the idle screw so the engine will not stop at idle.  The high speed screw is set by turning it in till the engine starts to falter then turn it out till it floods and set it in the middle.  The throttle stop sets the top rpm's.  If all this doesn't work put a new carb kit and mounting gaskets in and readjust.  Hope this helps.