Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Lawn-Boy transaxle replacement, peerless transaxle, transaxle

QUESTION: Lawn-Boy riding mower Model 81180 Serial # 4900259 has bad transaxle, Tecumseh P/N 88-6450. I can't find a replacement or parts list. Can a Peerless Transaxle Model # 915-020 be used instead and would any other modifications be needed?

ANSWER: My memory tells me that they used Hydro-Gear transakles in most if their hydro power equipment.  I checked and it is a hydro-gear.  They are on the web and are manufactured in Sullivan, IL.You cannot replace a Hydro-Gear with a Peerless traansaxle.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If it is a hydro-gear then why does it have a gear shift lever with five foward speeds and one reverse? At it has a parts list and the model 81180 transaxle is only availible as a unit P/N 88-6450. In the same part list the Peerless transaxle model # 915-020 is listed and has the subcomponet parts listed. The 88-6450 transaxle is no longer available but the 915-020 is, that is why I wanted to know if it will fit into the Lawn-Boy model 81180.

If it's a direct cross reference it will fit if you need extra parts.  Usually a note attached to the dealers parts list or service bulletin would have issued.  The best information I can give you is check with the dealer or check with lawn-boy directly at