Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawn chief fuel problem, lawn chief, starter cord

older lawn chief 3.5 hp lawn mower was stored in garage about 7 years with no fuel in it. put gas in tank and it ran out of muffler , whe pulled starter cord it acted like locked up like cylinder filled with fuel and couldnt compress. whe fuel drained it started and ran roughly for a short time, dont know if these have a float in carb or what else may be causing this problem  it ran fine when it was put away in storage  your suggestions wlll be appreciated     art

With out an engine model I can't look up if you have a float carb.  My assumption is you have a float sytle carb.  If you look behind the air filter housing and see a round bowl, then you have a float style carb.

You will have to replace the inlet needle and valve.  This is causing the fuel to leak.  Of course, you will have to remove and dis-assemble the carb to replace the inlet needle seat.
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