Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): HONDA GX160 REVS UP AND DOWN, honda gx160, particals


I have a Honda GX160 bought about a year ago. It's been used for about 2 summers. I notice about a month ago there was little dirt particals in the gas tank. My working being a mechanic should have known that dirt particals in the gas would cause problems. Either way, the engine has been reving up and down, and then stalling out.

I took the gas tank off and cleaned it out along with the inline filter. Took the carb off and sprayed with cleaner. The other day my worker sprayed carb cleaner in the carborator and said it was restricted...then suddenly it opened up. Then we took it on the job to spray liquids and the machine died again. Usually at the shop it works fine, then when using the gun, the machine works fine for about 10 minutes, then turns off. My worked thought it may be overheating, or that some electrical component is shutting it down. We're quite fed up with this machine. It was well taken care of and already problems with it.

Any help on this mystery?  

Most engine surging is caused by a dirty carb.  Did you use an air compressor and blow out each carb passage?  The carb would have to be removed and dis-assembled to get to all the ports.

Let me know if cleaned the carb with an air compressor.  FYI, once in a while I have to clean carbs a couple of times to get them clean..rare but happens once in a while.

Let me know.