Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): briggs and startoon 300 series, carburator, briggs

I have a similiar problem to this one , asked on 7/18.
The mower acts like it is flooded, yet there is nothing in the manual to indicate how the carb springs should be set.....

The little springs conecting the links on the side of the carburator have come off. Can I get a diagram or schematic to hook them back up. I hope it is not too hard as I have one good hand to work with. I know it is the linkage becuase I pour gas in the carb and it starts right up and runs a few seconds.  

My first question is, has anyone messed with the springs, they should always stay where they were factory set and placed. Second question is what model and type engine is it, I need these numbers to be able to identify the type carb for the correct spring configuration.......Tom