Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S 5hp fun power engine stalls, radiator shop, rough shape


Thanks for your time in advance.

I have a 5 hp B&S "fun power" engine on my kiddos' go-kart.  It starts with one pull, runs great for twenty or so minutes, then stalls out.  I can start it again, but it just stalls out on its own then--or when you give it gas.

After it completely cools down--the cycle starts all over again--running perfect, then stalling...

Any help you can provide would be great!


I believe this is the Briggs engine that the carb mounts on the gas tank, you didn't furnish me with a model or type number. If this is the type then you need a carb cleaning and rebuild, you will have to check the fuel pick-up tube screen that goes into the tank, making sure the screen on the end of the tube is clean and open. Also will need to replace the diaphragm between the carb and gas tank along with the gasket. Check the tank good for any rust this type is notorious for rust in the tank, as well as the foam baffles factory installed in the tank breaking up after time. If the tank is in rough shape, don't even try to find one at your local Birggs dealership, they have been backorder for the past 18 months. Instead take it to a radiator shop that boils them out and then does a epoxy coating inside, it works great. Last time I had one done it was around $35.00, not bad seeing a new tank is around $90.00........Tom