Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): pto seal continues to leak, pto shaft, vertical engine

The engine in question is a 18 hp B&S Vanguard vertical engine, model #350777/1159E1/01051511 with 200 hrs on it. This engine is a repower on a simplicity landlord lawn tractor. The original engine was 16 hp B&S vanguard engine, model# 303777/0411-01/91082011. Underneath the 0411-01 box was the number 5526. The question is to find out why the pto seal continues to leak after changing the seal. It has been changed 3 times. Is the crankshaft bent? You can grab the PTO shaft and there seems to me to be an excessive amount of side to side play. The old motor does not have this type of play, leading me to believe that the trouble lies with the crankshaft and not the seal. The seal is being installed correctly I believe. I removed the engine sump on the old engine and found it to be tight with no side to side play. I believe there is a bushing on the other end of the crankshaft. Could this be worn? If the problem is wear where the pto shaft goes thru the sump cover, can I replace it with the sump cover off the 16 hp? Or should I start looking for a new engine? Thank you in advance for your answer.

Hello Mike:

Unfortunately the Problem is the Sump is Worn. This May be Due to a Bent Crankshaft. Remove the Engine Pulley and have Someone Turn the Engine. **Make Sure the Spark Plug/s are Removed. If the Crankshaft Wobbles, then the Crankshaft is Bent and has Worn the Sump/Oil Pan to Accommodate it. You can Replace the Crankshaft and Sump/Oil Pan or Purchase Another Engine. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Engine at this Site Addy; and Enter the Model Numbers (350777) and Type Numbers (1159) in the Appropriate Boxes and Click GO. Then Select Download PDF. If the Crankshaft Specifications are the Same, then the Sump should Fit. The Crankshaft should be your Only Worry. I Suggest you Inspect this First and be Sure you Do Not Require Both the Sump and the Crankshaft. Usually the Engine HP is Due to the Piston Size. But there are Many Differentt Applications and that s the Only Way to be Really Sure. I Prefer Using New Parts. Depending on the Problem with the 16 HP engine, I Suggest Using New Parts for this Repair and Rebuilding the 16 HP engine a to have for a Spare. I get Used Equipment and Rebuild the Engines or Rebuild the Whole Unit Depending on the Condition of the Unit. I have 3 Engines that I was Able to Rebuild to Like New Condition for $300.00 Including Labor. I Supervise Every Engine that is Rebuilt and they are Test Run at Full Throttle for 30 Minutes and then at Idle for 10 Minutes. They are Allowed to Cool Overnight and then Tested Again the Following Morning. Then they are given a Final Cleaning and Paint. I Do Not Sell them I Use them for Spares. Look around and Price what Another Good Engine would Cost and then Determine which Direction you should Proceed. I wish you the Best. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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