Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Sears Craftsman Eager1edger wont run, sears craftsman, old jew

We inherited our house from my grandmother, and when going out to do some yard work, I noticed an edger with new blades and filter in a corner, I've done alot of work on it already, but cant keep it running.  It starts when fuel is put directly into the chamber, but wont stay running for long.  I even tried putting fuel into the carburetor, but it wouldn't even turn over.  Could there be a blockage in the carburetor?  Just wanting to here what an expert would have to say.

Yor grandma had an edger?  She was a little anal about here yard wasn't she.  No offense. My "Nanny" the old Jew gal that she was, had an edger.  She couldn't run it but her greatgrandkids sure as hell could.
You are the third person today that said there mower, or, in your case, edger, won't turn over.  "Turn over" means spin. Does the engine spin when you pull the rope?  If yes, you need to clean the tank and carb and replace all of the dried out diagphrams in the carb.
If it doesn't spin it's a boat anchor..