Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): kohler cv18, electric fuel pumps, valve adjustments

the engine was running great,then it ran out of gas now it will turn over and backfire,like out of time.i checked the flywheel and it hasn't sheared the key..if i remove the fuel pump and hang it lower than the fueltank,fuel will just run through the this normal??? thanks for any help

Hello Phil:

Yes to the Fuel Pump Question. 1- Check the Fuel Shut Off Solenoid in the Carburetor Bowl. You May have to Remove the Carburetor and Blow Out the Passages with Compressed Air. Bad Thing About Running Out of Gas with a Small Engine with the Bowl Type Carburetor; Trash Settles Over Time to the Bottom of the Bowl and When you Run the Carburetor Dry, it Pulls the Trash into the Carburetor Metering Jets and Usually Clogs them. 2-  Get a Someone to Assist and Apply Air Pressure to the Gas Tank. I have a Regular Customer that had to Prime the Fuel System before the Mower would Restart, Whenever He Ran it Dry. He Stuffed a Rag Around an Air Nozzle in the Gas Tank Fill Port. Then Had Someone Start the Engine While He Applied a Small Amount of Air Pressure to the Tank. We Replaced the Vaccum Fuel Pump and He Still had the Same Problem. We have Replaced the Fuel Pump Now with a 3 to 7 psi 12vdc Electric Pulse Pump. This was Performed at His Request. The Mower has been Running Great. Most People in My Area have the Electric Fuel Pumps Installed because of the Hilly Terrain. 3- One Other Thing that has been Happening Lately is the Valve Adjustments are Either Moving or the Valves are Stretching. I Don't Know Which. But you Might Check the Valve Clearance. If the Valve Clearance is Off this Will Happen also. I am Leaning towards Trash in the Jets or the Fuel System Prime. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

