Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): john deere lt133 wont run, wally world, battery engine

i cant seem to keep my lawn tractor running. i got a fresh battery engine will turn turn and turn the finaly will cranck for 2 to 20 seconds at most. i put a flame to the spark plug same result. spraying a squirt of carb starter seems to help if fire up but still the same result. i replaced the fuel filter with a briggs and strat filter (walmart didnt carry j. deere f.f.) but im not really sure whats doing what engine wise or what to look for. any advice or pointers would help

Sounds like you need to clean the carb. We know the engine has compression, and spark. So it has to be fuel. Drop the float bowl and clean out the main jet.In the future don't buy your parts at Wally World, go to a power equipment dealer. They cost less and are better quality.
If it runs on starter fluid it's the carb.