Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Mantis tiller, mantis tillers, mantis tiller

I think I have a serious problem with my 2cycle mantis tiller. The problem happened when I was tilling and I lost the power. I thought that I lost the power because of the weed buildup in the tines. But when I cleared the tines of all the debris, I noticed the lack of power. I replaced the air filter and spark plug as well as adjusted the carburater. My fuel mixture is fresh. The tiller starts fine, idles nicely and when squeezing the throttle it generates power or rpm smoothly. The problem is the tines dont rotate fast enough. They do rotate though, just not fast enough. The engine is properly sitting on the transmission. I took the engine off the transmission and I can rotate the tines by spinning the transmission rod above the cast aluminum housing.The exhaust/muffler is clean, free of debris and buildup. I even took the cylinder off and checked the piston and piston rings and all looks fine.  I believe it has to be something with the transmission, but where? It is a 21.2cc Kioritz engine and is 7 years old Mantis Tiller.  

 Hello Pat:

 I have 2 Mantis Tillers. One has the Clutch Operated Tines. The Tines on this Tiller Don't Turn when the Engine is at Idle.When the Engine RPM's are Increased the Clutch Engages and the Tines Turn. I had the Clutch Go Bad and the Same Problem you Described. Problem: My Other Mantis is Direct Drive. When the Engine Starts the Tines Turn. The Ring Gear in the Tine Gear Box Stripped it's Teeth and the Pinion Gear was Turning the Tines at a Slow Pace. There are Several Possible Causes for this Problem and these are Just 2 Examples. Get an IPL an then Start your Repairs. You can Get the Manual for Online Viewing and Printing if you Contact this Addy. Phyllis will Send you the Breakdown/IPL if you Request One VIA E-mail. Here is the Addy and Select Ask Mantis. Then Select Submit Your Question. Simply tell them you are Looking for an IPL for you Mantis and they will send you a Copy Attached to an E-mail. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

